Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In Conclusion...

Understand that the environment is constantly changing and that our actions from coastal development, to habitat destruction, to building dams and dredging can gravely affect the environment that we build our homes and communities on. Therefore it is crucial for companies that have or want to build more structures to put more research into the effects the structure has on the environment not just locally but regionally. The next step is to build and implement better solutions. This can be enforced by us, the community, as we should become more informed and politically involved to make sure that laws be amended or passed in order to help our environment. We should not only learn from our past mistakes but also correct them. As global climate change and coastal development continue, it is important that we as a local and global community use mitigation and adaptation techniques in order to best prevent and handle potential downfalls of coastal erosion.

This will become increasingly important because the problem of coastal erosion will not be going away any time soon. As human populations continue to rise and people flock to the coast, the problem will worsen as the natural mechanisms of coastline defense are increasingly worn down. That compounded with rising sea levels creates a huge potential problem. It is important for people to become educated and recognize the impending threat our coasts face, and come together to prevent disaster from occurring in the future.

Thank you for your attention!!

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