Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Some potential solutions for coastal erosion is building structures such as Groins, Jetties, and Seawalls. A non-structural solution for coastal erosion is beach nourishment, which is the process of dumping sand from somewhere else onto a beach to widen the area. It is important to keep in mind that there are advantages and disadvantages to these solutions.
·      Retain sandy beaches and does not affect access to beach
·      The sand being trapped at one beach may be helping but this will also cause another beach to “starve”. Meaning there is no sand to be trapped because of the beach before.
·      Needs to be replaced every 15-20 years
·      The structure does not cost much
·      Avoid build up of unwanted sediments by collecting sand on one side
·      The opposite side not obtaining the sand the will erode and narrow the beach

·      Provide defense where wave energy is high
·      Expensive
o   In Cape Coral, it was around $10,000 for a 80ft wide frontage
·      Can affect peoples access to the beach
·      Recurved seawalls can increase erosion

Beach Nourishment
·      This process does not stop coastal erosion, but gives us time
·      Expensive
o   Miami holds the record at paying $17.5 million per mile
·      This process requires a lot of construction over a long period of time      The replacement methods and sediment used differ from than the usual sand, which can have affects such as changing the shape of the beach. It can also erode faster--studies have shown that "all biological variables [of the ecosystem] showed a significant decrease immediately after dredging"

Building these structures are not the only way we can prevent coastal erosion. Organizations can help by conducting programs and projects to prevent coastal erosion and they also educate communities that this is a serious problem. Three organizations that handle this issue are:
Coastal States Organization
·      They work with Congress to help them look over proposed regulations that could improve coastal problems
·      Advocate for more funding and support for other ocean and coastal programs
The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
·      Coastal programs
·      Berm to barrier
o   After oil spill in 2010, CPRA set up barrier islands to protect against storm surge and ecosystem degradation
·      Projects

Americas Wetland foundation
·      Their focus is to bring attention the importance of wetlands and coastal concerns for the Gulf coast
·      Projects
o   Americas Energy coast
§  Incorporates major businesses and industries, organizations, researchers and scientists to provide the public with knowledge and information

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