Thursday, February 19, 2015

Larger Consequences

There are definitely other places around the world with the same problem regarding coastal erosion. Places such as Southern California, Britain, and Australia are affected by this growing phenomenon. The same consequences that occur in the Gulf Coast of the United States due to coastal erosion can be seen the same around the world. In Southern California man-made structures such as jetties, seawalls, etc. deprave our beaches from getting the crucial wave action that the beach needs. Furthermore, in order to protect more property, dams were built in the mountains to hold back a lot of sediment that is originally supposed to replenish the sand on the beaches. Because of these structures, this has made our coastline much more vulnerable to storms. Additionally, in order to uphold the attraction of the beaches, thousands are spent in “nourishing” the beaches every year, by putting 3 Rose Bowls worth of sand on our beaches.

 In Britain, specifically East Sussex, there is also plentiful evidence of coastal erosion. Although these pictures of the cottages in the Birling Gap were taken more than one hundred years apart, in recent years coastal erosion has quickened. The three meters that should have eroded in a span of seven years, eroded within four months. This was due to terrible winter storms that people were not expecting. This poses as a danger to civilians as property can fall or crumbling rock can injure people. 

In Queensland, Australia there is a major coastal erosion problem affecting the city of Cairns. Again, due to man-made structures in this case seawalls, the wildlife and population will be negatively affected because the plant and wildlife are receding or disappearing and the inland area will take more damage during a tropical storm. 

The impacts of coastal erosion on the Gulf Coast are essentially the same around the world, though as noted above, the Gulf has certain characteristics that make it far more vulnerable. In places with cliffs and less infrastructure surrounding the area, consequences will be less severe. Due to coastal erosion, urban infrastructure and economies worldwide will suffer. Many places around the world rely on beaches for tourism as well. Moreover, much of the population lives near the coastline; there will be a lot of money spent on repairing damage to property from storms or from moving property further inland. There is great speculation that the latter is the best way to spend the money. Furthermore the people working for the fish industry will be negatively affected as populations of fish diminish. As sea levels continue to rise in tandem with coastal erosion, more and more homes, businesses, and ecosystems will face the oceans and seas on their doorsteps. 

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